Wednesday, March 27, 2019

A Special Day For Sure!

This is going to be a lengthy post, but today was so special to me.  Our family went to Nauvoo a couple years ago for spring break.  Those of you who know me know I am obsessed with church history.  I am especially obsessed with stories about the pioneers and their trek to Utah.  Anyway, as we were returning home from our trip, I was still on a spiritual high.  I decided to browse the KSL Classifieds with the key words "pioneer" and "Mormon."  I found a post that was titled something like, "Pioneer Rocking Chair That Came Across The Plains From Nauvoo."  I couldn't believe what I read! "Why wasn't this chair in a museum?" I thought.  I sent a text to the number to see if it was still available.  It was!  I purchased the chair when we arrived home.  
The chair belonged to a woman named Karla.  Karla owned the chair for over 25 years.  She purchased the chair at a yard sale from a man who was a great great (?) grandson of the Knight family.  (Yes, the Knight family who were loyal friends to the prophet Joseph Smith).   Apparently,  this man had no children to pass the chair down to.  Before he sold the chair, he removed the tapestry to frame it.  

I thought it would be easy to donate the chair to the church.   I called the Pioneer Museum by the State Capitol.   They told me that since I didn't have a solid story, to try the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints directly.  It took me two years, but I finally made the right connection.  
I finally came in contact with a woman named Joyce Foreman.  Sister Foreman works @ The Church History Library in SLC.  She sent me a donation slip and today, my sister, her son Max, and I were able to deliver it.  

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is planning to restore the chair.  Then in a few years, they'll most likely place it in the John Taylor home in Nauvoo!  I am so happy! 

I sent a text to Karla to let her know that the chair was going to a good home. She sent this response.

So thankful I could share that special moment with my sister.
We spent the next couple hours in Salt Lake.  

A little bio about Brigham Young from my sister's Instagram post 

The Beehive House 

My little sis

Brigham Young

Brigham Old (ha ha)

The same suit coat he wore in the younger picture

His chest of tools

The bathroom

His daughter's doll

His daughter's wedding dress 

A banquet hall

The room where Joseph F. Smith (the 6th prophet) received revelation about life after death.

The kitchen/dining room

The family store

After our tour, we had lunch at the Lion House.  My favorite part was the rolls.  So yummy!

Max liked the green jello!
After lunch, we wandered across the street in search for Brigham Young 's burial site.  I knew the area it was in, but had never been to the site personally.   Luckily, Ashley was able to find the address.  What a nice little memorial!

Info about Mormon Pioneer Memorial from Ashley's Instagram post

A beautiful statue

"All is well"

Brigham Young's burial site

Wives of Brigham Young

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