Monday, August 29, 2022

Sunday, August 28, 2022

A Little Fishing @ Highland Glen


Lola Kae Thompson

Today was great!  Julius gave Lola a beautiful blessing.  It was also good to see family that we haven't seen for a while.  We are blessed!

Abby's Going To Homecoming!

 Abby got asked to homecoming last night by her friend Carson.  She's so excited.  🥰

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Beautiful Gooseberry

Fun evening with my parents, Aaron and Brody.  We drove down to Gooseberry and fished for a couple of hours.  We only got 3 fish, but we saw a whole herd of deer!  

Bryson wanted to go with us, but his friend Emmett had a birthday party.  

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Fun Evening With Bree!

I had so much fun with Bree today.  We went to The Cinderella Project and she tried on used dresses.  Bree found 2 gorgeous dresses and we only paid $15 all together!  Here are a few pics I took of her with my phone,   (These aren't the dresses we purchased).  

Love, Jane


Monday, August 22, 2022

A Lot Accomplished

Aaron, Brody, Bryson and I had a great weekend at Bear Lake.  We got so much accomplished at our Paris property, but we also played hard.  
I'd like to keep a record of what has been done at the property.  So we'll start with this past weekend. 
- Demoed the bathroom
-Installed two AC units
-Fixed the roof of the SW shed
-Took a huge load of garbage to the dump
-Removed cement floor
-Removed stove tubing and cleaned up a lot of soot
-Mowed the lawn
-Gave our neighbor a gift card to Cody's and some money for helping us with our lawn
-Some edging and trimming
-Killed a bazillion wasps

We ate lunch at Zipz 

 Swam in the lake and diving board pool @ Ideal Beach

Went for a ride in the side by side.  Stopped at Paris Ice Cave.

Lots of cows out on the trails.

And a lot of deer in Paris.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Jersey Mike Training

 Andrew and Michael are in New Jersey this week training to become managers for Jersey Mike's.   

Not too bad...