Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm so thankful for my kids!

Today, I had a little bit of a scare. I needed to mow the lawn this morning, so I strapped Breelyn to my chest, locked all of the doors, and started cartoons for Brody and Abby. Every few minutes, I'd stop the lawn mower and go check on Abby and Brody to make sure they were okay. I finished mowing the back lawn, put the lawn mower away and went around to the back of the house where it wasn't locked. In that small amount of time, Brody unlocked the door and left through the garage. For those of you who may not know, Brody is autistic. He has no concept of the dangers around him. He also has no fear. Brody still cannot talk and unfortunately, he won't respond to his name. This is not the first time he's run away, but it was one of the scariest times for me. I can't tell you how many horrible thoughts went through my mind when I didn't know where he was. I and 3 other neighbors searched for Brody. We found him 3 houses down from us, playing in some dirt. I'm so glad that he was okay. I just want all of my kids to know how much I love them, and how blessed I feel to have them in my home. I took these pictures today. Breelyn


Katie said...

I'm so glad that Brody was okay. You have such beautiful kids! I love them.

jmemay said...

Your kids are adorable! And, of course I remember who you are! Thanks for saying hi... it's always fun to see new blogs. Looks like life is treating you well. Your pics of the "gang" reunion are fun...Looks like you just about had everyone (except Mark and Evan??). I have great memories of you all :) (Except when Evan came home from his mission and told me I was "huge"...I think he meant tall. Good times)

Natalie said...

I think Brody is the sweetest kid, and I'm so glad he was okay. I love all your kids. We REALLY need to get our kids together again. Ella can not stop talking about Abby and her dress-ups!