Monday, August 22, 2022

A Lot Accomplished

Aaron, Brody, Bryson and I had a great weekend at Bear Lake.  We got so much accomplished at our Paris property, but we also played hard.  
I'd like to keep a record of what has been done at the property.  So we'll start with this past weekend. 
- Demoed the bathroom
-Installed two AC units
-Fixed the roof of the SW shed
-Took a huge load of garbage to the dump
-Removed cement floor
-Removed stove tubing and cleaned up a lot of soot
-Mowed the lawn
-Gave our neighbor a gift card to Cody's and some money for helping us with our lawn
-Some edging and trimming
-Killed a bazillion wasps

We ate lunch at Zipz 

 Swam in the lake and diving board pool @ Ideal Beach

Went for a ride in the side by side.  Stopped at Paris Ice Cave.

Lots of cows out on the trails.

And a lot of deer in Paris.

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