Friday, February 14, 2020


Another angel was called home today...  I started following Kim on Instagram about 6 months ago.  I saw a video of her crying and and was curious to see why.  I looked through her history.  She battled a rare form of cancer for over 6 years!  This woman is my hero!  Instead of feeling sorry for herself like most people would, she saw it as a strength.  -A platform to help others realize God is in the details.
Kim wanted to help other young mothers with new cancer diagnoses.   She made care kits and delivered them all throughout Utah.  When my coworker's wife Valerie was diagnosed with cancer, she received one of Kim's kits. 
Prayers for her husband Treagan and daughter Hensleigh.

1 comment:

Tisha and Mark said...

There is a podcast called All In where she talks about her cancer. That is the first place I heard her voice. It's pretty amazing. Sad she's gone.