Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Happy Pioneer Day!

Happy Pioneer Day!  It's been 172 years since the pioneers made their way to Utah!  This year more then ever, I have such a deep appreciation for the saints.   💕
Today was a pretty low key day.  We watched the Days of 47 parade in the morning.  Later in the afternoon, the kids and I met up with my mom, Sawyer, and Sasha.  We went to Lehi's Summer Splash Party @ Ivory Ridge Splash Pad.  It was so fun.  There were people dressed up as dinosaurs,  climbing walls, bounce houses, pony rides, music, food, etc.  
After Aaron got home from work, we had a little bbq.  Aaron's smoked chicken is the best!  He made a ton so we have leftovers.🤤

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