Sunday, March 9, 2025

Our Weekend In Idaho

Alyssa's dance group had a competition in Nampa, Idaho this weekend.  We booked the cutest Airbnb in Caldwell, Idaho.  Everyone that came on the trip was Aaron, me, Brody, Alyssa, Bryson, and my parents.  We missed Andrew, Andrea, Bree and Grandpa Walker.  Andrew and Andrea were working and Bree and Kent were sick.
  We left a little before 4 pm on Thursday and didn't arrive til shortly after 11 pm.  It was a long drive! 

Here are some pics of the airbnb.

Bryson found his happy place under the stairs.  Nintendo Switch in hand.

Friday am we went to Cattleman's Cafe for breakfast.  Such a cool place!  Restaurant on one side and cattle auction on the other.

It was my first time going to an auction.   I couldnt understand anything!  😂

After breakfast, my parents went to the Nampa Center to watch my niece's solo.  The rest of us headed off to the Meridian Temple to do some baptisms for the dead.

Such a pretty temple!

We made a short stop at Costco, then we went to visit Aaron's brother, (Sam and Gayla) in Kuna.  

Sam and Gayla had heard good things about a mexican restaurant called Enrique's.  Ry, Adrienne, and my parents met up with us.  The food was delish! 

Saturday am we all slept in.  My parents left to go watch Brooklyn's group dances.  Aaron and I picked up some breakfast burritos and biscuits from Carl's Jr.  Alyssa studied for driver's ed, Aaron did some work, Bryson played on the switch, and Brody and I went for a walk downtown.

Such a cute little town.  My favorite part was the iceskating rink.

Alyssa had to be at the Nampa Civic Center by 4:30.  Her team had 4 routines.   

We took a little break at Cold Stone.

The Dance Academy did so well!  

Sunday March 9th.  Today is Daylight Savings!  We lost an hour.  
We watched our neighbor, (Hailee Richins) give her farewell address via zoom.  Then we packed up and left our Airbnb.  Boo!

Idaho, it's been real.  

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