Friday, August 9, 2024

Fishing @ Gooseberry

Had an amazing day with the boys.  Bryson has been begging us to take him fishing.  It's been a while since we fished at Gooseberry so we gave it a try.  We invited my dad and Kent to come along.






Bryson caught a monster!

Water skeeters

Awe yeah!  

Right before we left, my dad slipped on a rock and hit his knee.  He almost passed out from the pain.   It was scary.  I said a little prayer, and thankfully, he was able to walk out.
Driving home through Fairview Canyon was crazy!  It was raining cats and dogs.  Just as we cleared the canyon, the rain stopped.  A beautiful rainbow appeared.  

 Home Plate Cafe for a burger, fries and a shake! 

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