Friday, March 13, 2020

What Is Going On?

So... We've known about Coronavirus now for some time.  I think the first time I heard about it was in January.  It started in China and it has slowly been making its it's way to the US. I haven't thought much of it, because in all the reports I've heard, it's not that dangerous.  Symptoms are fever and a dry cough.  It mostly affects elderly or people with compromised immune systems.  I was told left handed people have a greater chance of dying in an industrial accident then from the coronavirus.  🤦‍♀️ 
Yesterday was insane.  So many people out doomsday shopping.  Aaron and I heard that the toilet paper and water was sold out everywhere.  I went to 3 different stores, (Costco in Lehi and Orem  and Smith's in Orem.  No luck.   My friend Russ Walters works at Costco.  This is what he said about it.

 These pictures were taken @ Walmart in AF.  I've never had anything like this happen!  

I am a little freaked out!

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