Thursday, March 5, 2020

San Diego Trip Day 1

We made it to San Diego!  The flight, car rental,  airb&b, etc. all went smoothly.  Excited to spend some quality time with this guy 
⬇️ and friends.

Here is the house we're staying at.  It's has 5 beds, 2 baths, and a large patio/dining area.  So cute!
4918 Lakiba Palmer Ave
(4918 butthugger Ave)  😉
We played some games.  Sean found several bottles of alcohol.  Stinky stinky, but we all gave it a sniff🤢

Pepe (our airb&b owner) recommended Rigobertos for dinner.  It was delicious.  Some of the best Mexican food I've ever had.

Who's asleep?

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