Thursday, June 30, 2016

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Trailer Progress

So...When we purchased our trailer, the floor was a soggy mess.
 These pictures aren't the greatest.  If you look closely, the floor is darker where the water damage is.

Aaron and I removed all of the damaged linoleum, plywood, insulation, and frame

Below is a picture of the new frame work and insulation

And some of the plywood

Sunday, June 26, 2016

17 Years!

Yesterday Aaron and I celebrated 17 years of marriage!  Aaron and I hiked up to Silver Lake Friday evening and camped.  The next morning we woke up early and fished the lake.  It was pretty busy up there.  Tibble Fork is closed for construction, so I guess everyone is venturing further into the canyon.
    My dad and my brother Shane joined us Saturday morning.  Everyone did well.  Not only did we catch our limit of fish, we all filled our bellies!  Aaron brought a frying pan and some butter.  Best breakfast ever!  Fresh fish is so good.