It was a crazy weekend! My lover was out of town. He went to an "Alzheimer" conference in Phoenix, AZ. I dropped him off at the airport early Friday morning and picked him up yesterday afternoon. It's so good to have him back home! Aaron had a great time. He learned a lot and he was able to spend some time with his sister LouAnn.
Waiting to pick up Frontier Flight 1052 |
Here is a run down of our weekend:
-Abby had Jessie sleepover Friday night.
-Andrew had his second basketball game Friday evening. Final score was 48 25. Go us! Grandpa Walker, Mason, Kale, and Grandma and Grandpa Nelson came to show their support.
-Saturday morning I worked at Project Reality
-Abby had her second game. She played against my cousin's daughter's team (Lori's daughter Briar). Jessie, Grandpa Walker, Kate, Cole, and my parents all came!
-Took Abby, Jessie and Bree to the movie "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. (I loved it. 2 of my favorite actors)
-Alyssa played over at Sasha's.
-Sunday was stake conference (We didn't make it). Had a good visit with Aaron's sister Kenna.