Tuesday, August 14, 2012

White Bass

 Last Saturday, Aaron went fishing with his dad at Utah Lake.  Utah Lake I know sounds really gross.  We thought there was only garbage fish in the lake (Nothing worth eating).  Not true!  You can catch white bass in Utah Lake and it's delicious! 
 The white bass are really pretty.  They look like a shiny silvery fish.

 They have scales and are really bony.  Check out his dorsal fin (Not sure if I said that right?).  Tons of long spiky bones.  Another cool thing about the fish was that when Aaron cleaned the fish, they had been dead for about an hour.  Abby watched him do it and she screamed, "Look it's heart is still beating!"  Sure enough, each of the fish's hearts were still beating, and did so for several minutes.  Weird. 

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