My sweet little baby Alyssa turned 2 this past Wednesday. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. Alyssa was sick on her birthday (No fun). Since she wasn't feeling well, we decided to play it low key and just have a family party. We planned on having cake and ice cream when Aaron got home from work, but by that time she'd already fallen asleep. Alyssa woke up later around 9:30 pm. -We sang to her and she opened her gifts. . Here are some pictures from the evening.
Bree "Doing the dishes" (Playing in the sink)
Watching America's funniest home videos (One of our favorites)
Getting ready to blow out her cake.
Alyssa got a few new dresses. Aren't they adorable?
The cake! - It's suppose to look like a princess, but I ran out of time. Still delicious. Strawberry with cream cheese frosting.
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