Monday, June 7, 2010

The Dreaded Meeting

We had our meeting today.
Unfortunately, I'm just as confused now as I was before the meeting.
We all have until the 17th to let USDC know whether or not we're going to go full time.
A few problems with that.
First of all, there are 9 of us and there is only room for 5 of us.
So if 4 of us don't quit, they'll have to come up with a different idea.
Second, we're told that we'll be placed where we're needed.
We can't choose which building we'll be in,
What shift we'll work (AM, PM, or both).
That brings up my next problem.
We're also suppose to let our other jobs know what we decide by the 17th.
How can we let our other jobs know that we're quiting
when we don't even know if we'll have a job???
So stressed.


R Fitz said...

I am so sorry the meeting sounds like it didn't help at all! Good luck with all of this.

Katie said...

That meeting does sound super confusing! I'm sorry, good luck. I hope everything works out.