October is a busy birthday month at our house. Aaron's birthday is on the 5th, Brody's is on the 24th, and Abby's is the 31st (Halloween). Brody is the first one to have a birthday in his autism kindergarten class, so today we took some balloons and cupcakes to celebrate.

When we arrived at the school, Abby wanted to hold the balloons. She felt really special giving them to her brother.

All of the kids loved the balloons. Brody had a huge grin on his face when we walked in the room.

What a cutie!

About 5 minutes after we got to his classroom, the balloons escaped to the sky light, out of our reach. A couple of the kids were upset, but I'm sure the balloons will come down in a couple of days.

Getting ready for cupcakes!

Everyone cleaned their hands

Waiting patiently!

Can you say "Cheese!"

Alyssa was so good. She sat in her car seat and didn't make a peep the whole time we were there!

Brody's cupcakes were very spooky! They had witch's fingers on the top of them. Brody picked off the finger and ate all of the frosting. After that, he helped himself to another (The frosting that is). He's entitled to right? ...It is his birthday.

Abby didn't like that the fingers had warts on them, or that they were green. When she saw that the other kids were playing with them, she warmed up to them.

Yummy frosting

Lick those lips!

This is Brody's teacher (Lacey Anderson). She does such a great job. She's very patient and loves all of the kids.
So fun; Happy birthday to Brody tomorrow!
So cute! What fun pics...almost as fun as it would have been to be there I am sure! Happy Birthday Brody!!!
Very cute birthday pics. Looks like he had a good one!
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