This past weekend, Aaron went to a conference in S. Carolina to learn more about autism and chiropractic care. He felt like he learned a lot, so I'm anxious for him to try out some of the new treatments with our son Brody. Aaron has been talking about having at least one day a week in which he devotes his time to children with autism spectrum disorders free of charge in his office. I think it's a great idea, especially since other treatments are so expensive. -What a great way to serve our community.
Wow!!! That does sound like a great service to the community! Even if he did it at a minimal charge the one day I am sure it would be a great help. Glad that he's learning so many neat things...I love the idea of some alternate medicine involved in treatments.
wow that is really amazing that he would do that..what a great uncle I have :)
I'm so glad you guys are finding resources and tools that you can use with Brody. He's such an adorable kid!
What a wonderful idea. I know as we lift others through our service that there is a principle that comes into play and after a trial of our faith, we are rewarded beyond measure. Word of mouth will bring untold numbers to your office and the service and work will begin. You and your family are such a good example to us all. May you be blessed.
Love you all, Aunt Lori
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