As I was driving to work Wednesday am, they announced over the radio that they were going to give a prize away to the 14th caller. I grabbed my phone and attempted to call KSOP's number. Wouldn't you know it, it was busy. So ...I tried again. Still busy. The 3rd time I called I got through. And guess what? -I was the 14th caller. Yay! I was so excited. I won a t-shirt, Rascall Flatts new CD, and my name was put into a drawing for a trip for two to see Rascall Flatts in Atlanta Georgia. They'll announce the winner Friday April 24th. Wish me luck!
Good luck Kelly!!! I know that you could use a vacation...I don't know how you do all that you do...you are AMAZING and if the prize were drawn by deserving it you would win!
I hope you win. You should, you know since it's going to be your birthday on April (I decided not to say the date since you may want that kept personal on the internet). That would be a good birthday present. By the way, here's wishing you a happy birthday. Love ya'!
Good luck Kel. If anyone deserves a vacation, it's you. I tried to call you yesterday. We need to get together soon...massage anyone?
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