Friday, March 27, 2009

How do you respond to that?

This morning at work (The Developmental Center), I was approached by an individual. We'll call him Fred for HIPPA sake. Fred asks me "Kelly, are you still pregnant?" "Yes," I replied. Fred then asked me if I knew what the sex was. "I'm having a girl," I stated. Out of no where, Fred asks "Would you be upset if there was a dog in your stomach?" ...A dog in my stomach? Where in the world did that question come from??? "I don't think that would happen Fred!" "Yah, I guess not. -But if it did you'd be on the news." "Yes, I guess I would." (Smile)


Katie said...

that is random. I don't think I'd know how to respond to that.

R Fitz said...

ROFL!!! I think you handled it great!

Kathryn said...

I have complained about this too. People just get stupid around pregnant women. At some point I really just want to start throwing punches, but that probably isn't the best idea, so I have refrained. So far.
In the face to such idiocy, I think you just smile and walk away. Then tell everyone you know so they can admire you (which I do) for your calm. ;-)

Heather Jones said...

haha!! I love people, they seriously say some of the most ridiculous things. I really don't know how I would have responded. In fact I probably wouldn't have and intead just stared at him blankly.

Meghan said...

Hey! It was good to hear from you... I actually switched my major from Nursing to Community Health. I applied twice to the Nursing program and didn't get in. I got a little tired of wasting time so I switched majors and am just trying to get done and get my degree. But if you hear of any jobs that might work let me know! Talk to you soon...