Today was such a great day! I, my sister-in-law (RuthAnn), and two of my children (Andrew and Breelyn) got to meet Glenn Beck. Glenn was at University Mall signing autographs at 2:00 pm. For those of you who don't know who Glenn is, let me give you a little background. Glenn is a radio/television host. It's fun to listen and watch him. He speaks with a lot of humor, but he's very honest and he gives you the facts. Glenn was raised as a Roman Catholic, but later converted to Mormonism. He's had a lot of difficult trials in his life, (ie. His mom commited suicide when he was only 13, one of his brothers committed suicide, he has a handicapped child, he's been divorced, he a recovering alcoholic and drug addict, etc.). He talks about all of these trials and the influence the church has had on his life, and it literally brings you to tears. He's such a humble man and a great missionary. I've listened to him for about 5 years, and it was an honor to meet him today, (Even if it was only for about 5 seconds).
Glenn's wife Tania (The lady in the white t-shirt with blonde hair)
I'm so glad you had such a great time meeting Glen Beck! Horray.
Thanks for leaving a message on my blog. It is such a great way to keep in touch. I am glad you are doing well. Now I can add you to my list of people to spy on. Love ya.
I was just looking at the knrs website and I found another picture of me, Bree and Glenn. I'm in gallery 2 number 31. Here's the website:
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