Everything is so crazy right now! So many different parties, awards, dance festivals, field days, etc. Part of me is excited for summer to be here, but the other part is a little panicked. I keep worrying about keeping my kids busy and making sure they stay up on their skills. Blah! -Just keep swimming. :)
Brody's class had a slide show, 2 puppet shows, and an awards ceremony today.
Brody got the award "Most Improved" all around. -I think that award fits him. I think he's improved in all areas. -Very proud of you buddy!
Brody's friend Justin got the "Best Friend" award. I thought this fit him perfectly too! He's been such a good friend to Brody this year.
Breelyn got her Kindergarten diploma today (below).

Breelyn also got a picture from her field trip to Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point.
Bree is on the front row. She's the 4th person on the left.
Abby is officially advancing from 1st to 2nd grade.