Sunday, May 30, 2010
Happy Memorial Day!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tiffany Lynn Searle
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Brody's Kindergarten Graduation
Brody graduated from Kindergarten today!
His teacher Mrs. Anderson put together a cute little graduation ceremony.
Andrew's Red, White and Blue Concert
Andrew and the rest of his 3rd grade class finally had their Red, White, and Blue concert last night.
The concert was originally scheduled for last Friday; however,
the weather was poor so it was changed to Monday.
Then of course it snowed.
(Pretty crazy weather we've been having lately)
The concert was great.
Andrew and the rest of the 3rd graders did an excellent job.
I'm glad I was able to see it.
Aaron let Brody play with his phone. Brody kept on typing "Nick Jr."
Brody is a amazing when it comes to electronics.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
It's Not A Tumor!
Aaron had surgery this morning.
He had a lipoma removed from the back of his head.
What is a lipoma you may ask?
According to Wikipedia, A lipoma is:
a benign tumor composed of fatty tissue. They are the most common form of soft tissue tumor.[1] Lipomas are soft to the touch, usually movable, and are generally painless. Many lipomas are small (under one centimeter diameter) but can enlarge to sizes greater than six centimeters. Lipomas are commonly found in adults from 40 to 60 years of age, but can also be found in children. Some sources claim that malignant transformation can occur,[2] while others say that this has yet to be convincingly documented.
Aaron has had this bump for as long as he can remember.
I asked him to take a picture of the tumor.
I guess it didn't come out without a fight.
Aaron said the tumor had a good blood supply.
(Check out the piece of hair connected to the "tumor")

He can't have his stitches out for 10 days and he is sore tonight!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Happy Birthday Kate!
Mr. Fix It Is At It Again
With all of the warm weather we were having,
(Notice how I said were).
my kids were spending a lot of time outdoors playing in the water.
Now of course it's snowing, and I'm just praying that my poor little raspberry bushes will survive.
Anyway, back to my story.
Aaron had an AMC conference this weekend in SLC.
Saturday in between classes, he stopped at Home Depot and purchased a lock for our hose.
He installed it later that evening.
Now we don't have to worry about flooded basements!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Been Kind Of Down
Some of the rumors have been that the Developmental Center is going to become privatized. Another rumor is that they're going to close down the pharmacy.
The biggest rumor I've heard is that they're going to lay off all of the part time employees so that they don't have to pay for their insurance.
I decided a while ago to just wait and see what happens.
Last Wednesday the following article came out in the Des. News.
AMERICAN FORK — The Utah State Developmental Center is tightening its belt.
After cuts made during this year's state legislative session, the Utah Division of Services for People with Disabilities, which runs the facility, is working to shave $1.5 million off the center's 2010-11 budget by July 1.
No residents will be moved out of the center at 895 N. 900 East, but the cuts could mean a reduction in services and layoffs for some employees.
"The most important thing to understand is that we're not reducing any beds at the developmental center," said division director Alan Ormsby. "We may do some consolidation of certain apartment buildings, but we won't be reducing the number of people served."
Ormsby also said there will be no freeze on admissions at the center.
While the number of residents will remain the same, the services they receive will be cut back.
"We don't want to make any long-term changes to services, but we are going to have to reduce some of the services that are offered down there," Ormsby said.
Hydrotherapy pools and animal therapy are among the services that likely will be put on hold for at least a year, he said.
The center also may outsource some of its services to professionals in the private sector, said center superintendent Karen Clark.
"The Legislature asked us to look at opportunities for privatization, for things that could be done by private business entities in the community," Clark said.
The center may have to release some of its staff. Though the Division of Services for People with Disabilities has introduced retirement incentives for developmental center employees, there is a "strong likelihood that staff will be reduced," Ormsby said.
"Our hope is that through retirement incentives and attrition we'll be able to reduce the staff somewhat," he said, "but there is a possibility that we'll have to do a reduction in force."
The developmental center is an intermediate care facility for people with mental retardation. Its budget cut came as part of a $25.7 million reduction in funds for the Department of Human Services. The center's budget was cut by $2 million, but the Legislature backfilled it with $500,000 in one-time funds. If the backfill is not repeated next year, the center will have to cut an additional $500,000 from its 2011-12 budget.
Ormsby said the reductions were "just part and parcel of the major cuts that the Legislature had to deal with" and said the Legislature treated the center fairly. Nevertheless, he said, the budget cuts will be tough to implement.
"Given the very difficult budget circumstances that the Legislature had to confront, it's going to be a challenging environment," Ormsby said. "Overall, we're going to make sure that people's needs are protected, and we're going to make sure people are safe and healthy."
Then on Friday I received a phone call from work. I and all of the other part time nurses have a meeting Tuesday morning at 9:30. I'm pretty certain we're all going to loose our jobs. I'm really down because I don't want to loose insurance for my family. What to do?Someone's Lost A Tooth!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Bree's Princess Dress
Every time I wash it, Bree has to put it on.
Doesn't she look like a princess?
Have You Ever...
Have you ever had a moment where you thought,
I just don't think I can do it today?
I had one of those moments this morning.
I had to wake up to help my kids get ready for school.
I was very tired,
and my bed was very warm.
And my bathroom was ... for lack of a better word
I started crying and asking why me?
Then I said a little prayer.
I asked for help and patience
I'm glad to report that my kids made it to school.
I did however throw away the bathroom rug. :)
A Little Bit Of Heaven
Yesterday after we dropped Andrew off to his baseball practice, my daughter Abby begged me to stop at the Snow Shack. I've been craving a shaved ice for quite a while, and had just read one of my sister's posts on her blog about a recent trip with Kate and Tiger's blood. Any how, we got a 32 ounce coconut cream. Wow! May I just say it was amazing. -Abby wasn't so sure when she first looked at it. She asked my why we got cottage cheese? She changed her mind after she tasted it. It was a little bit of Heaven!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The Latest
-Abby had her last day of Mommy Preschool on May 6th.
-Andrew went to his first economics fair this past Friday. He came up with the idea to make and sell paper airplanes. He also had a drawing for one of his Playstation games.
-Brody went on a field trip with his kindergarten class on Friday May 7th.
-I took Brody, Bree, and Alyssa for a walk on Thursday. Every time Bree saw some one approaching us, she would say "Hi." As they passed us, she would say "Bye, I love you!"
-Alyssa had a cold this past week. She wouldn't let me, Aaron, or her Grandparents put her down. Ever!
-Andrew had his first baseball game on May 8th, and his second game was today. Go Mariners!
-We'll be taking a trip to Washington the first week of August. One of Aaron's friends is getting married and Aaron gets to be the best man!
-Aaron has a seminar in SLC next weekend for AMC (His practice management group).
-This past week my sister found out she's having a boy! -We on the other hand are having a girl. -JK Mom. I promise I'm not pregnant!
That's all I can think of right now.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Dentist and the Derm
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mother's Day
Mother's Day was great this year. They gave us a chocolate at church!
My hubby and my kids gave me lots of sweet gifts.
They couldn't stop kissing each other.