I apoligize for procrastinating so long, but Aaron is going to bless Alyssa next Sunday September 6th. We will be blessing her in the same building that we blessed Breelyn. The address is 7241 Ute Dr. Eagle Mountain, UT 84005. The building is just South of our home. Our sacrament meeting begins at 1:00 pm so if you can try to be there by 12:45 pm, that would be great. Following sacrament meeting, we'll have a light lunch at a park that is 2 blocks North of our home. The park is located off Parkers Pl. St. If the weather is bad, we'll meet at our house (4111 Clark St.) Again, I apolize for waiting so long to tell all of you. The date just sort of snuck up on me! We'd love to have all of you come. Thank you!