Yesterday, my girls and I got to go the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. My friend Natalie, three of her kids, and her nephew invited us. The museum was so much fun. I'm really glad that we went. The museum had a lot of interesting and fun exhibits, plus it was really great to catch up with Natalie.
One of our favorite parts in the museum was the excavation site. The kids get to uncover dinosaur bones in the sand with little brushes.
My baby girls (Bree and Abby)
Natalie's kids called this shark Brucie (Just like the shark in Finding Nemo). My daughter Abby didn't want anything to do with it. I tried to get her to stand by the gate for the picture, but she refused.
This is the only picture I got with all of the kids. Bree was a little upset. I just figured it was because she was tired since she missed her nap. When I looked at this picture closely, I realized she got stepped on. Whoops! Sorry Bree.