Last night was so much fun! My Mom and Sandy Barney got tickets to Women's Conference. Sandy took all of her daughters (Minus Melony), and my Mom took all of her daughters and daughter-in-laws (Minus Svetlana). It was a night of physical and spiritual nourishment! First, we had dinner at the Lion House. Then, we went to conference and listened to 4 beautiful talks. My favorite talk from the night was from Brother Uchtdorf. Wow! He's such a great speaker. -I really felt like I could relate to everything he said.
Me, Ashley, Adrienne, and my Mom (Sherrie) right after we arrived in Salt Lake.
After conference, we walked around the temple.
Waiting in line for the Lion House.

From left to right: Adrienne, Ashley, Sherrie, Rachel Dana, Me, Sandy, and Katie